Stefan Gulassa is a seasoned designer specializing in lighting, furniture, accessories & architectural details.
Included in Stefan’s architectural designs are fireplaces, water features, kinetic pieces (e.g. moving walls), entry doors and statement pieces.
Along with custom work, Stefan also designs lines for Luxury Furniture & Lighting companies, showcasing his dedication to craftsmanship,
strong sense of materials and unique design.
You can find some of his designs for lighting, furniture &
accessories produced by others here:
Featured Projects
See what goes into the creating of a select few projects. From ideation to installation.
Please note: This section is under construction.
Each image takes you to the same gallery.
Check back in the near future for working links to each project.
Stair Light
Custom - Two story tall paper & steel lantern
Holly Hunt
Cast bronze lighting exclusively for Holly Hunt
Phoenix Day Lighting
Rechargeable portable lantern
Dining Chairs
Custom - What Goes Into Designing Dining Chairs
Wisteria Branch Light
Custom - Repurposed wisteria from the site transformed into a chandelier
Sutherland Furniture
C Table side table in marble
The process of a project
Large Wood Console
Custom - Solid wood and fabricated steel console
Painting Lift
Custom - Counter balanced mechanism for raising/lowering painting
Gas Torchères
Custom - Automatic natural gas light fixtures
Height adjustable Light
Custom - Manually operated by hand height adjustable light
Bronze Casting
An overview on how the lost wax process works
A slide show of projects, installations, drawings and fabrication
Stefan’s interesting sights, completed work and the fabrication of his projects.
Based in Seattle, he serves clients worldwide.